MPS Professional Learning Community Resources
The following link take you to McCook Public Schools Did you know folder where you can access all the "Did You Know..." documents created for professional development purposes for MPS staff. LINK
WARNING: If the "Did You Know" document does not come out clearly on your screen click on the pop-out (arrow coming out of a square) button and this should fix the problem!
Detail and Clarity Videos
These videos provide some clarity to teachers who are working through the process of identifying their essential learnings and creating formative assessments.
Equipping all students
to succeed
John Hattie's book Visible Learning for Teachers is an AWESOME researched based book/tool that helps encourage teachers to know their impact and how to increase learning for ALL students. The short video below focuses on the 8 mind frames of successful teachers.
John Hattie's Research on Influence Effect
Know thy impact! The Barometer of Influence below helps teachers to think about the impact they have on student achievement. Teachers, who are always striving for the greatest level of impact, can refer to this chart as a guide when considering their impact. Students who demonstrate normal growth will score d>0.4 on an influence effect calculator LINK. High impact would be around d>0.75.
How much impact does research say my method of instruction has on student learning, and how much impact do outside influence have? see answers below...
The link below will take you to a page that has additional links that can be used to review some of the professional development documents and presentations the District uses to train teaching staff. The lists of links are not comprehensive, but do provide a good portion of the materials the District uses to train staff.